During the County Fair I was leading T's calf Blew and he went one way and I the other straight into a pipe. Knowing immediately that it was broken, I laid on my back and asked my brother to call the ambulance. Never had a broken bone before - but hey when you do it like I did you KNOW! It was my right humerus and my main concern was getting my Aggie ring off before the fingers began to swell. So the gals in the barn started looking through show supplies to lubricate my fingers. It took sometime but the ring came off.
I called Keith who was in Premont with Laynie getting feed. His response, your kidding! No! The kids were really good until they moved me on a stretcher. Lauren was really upset. I tied calming her but Thank Goodness Uncle Jason was around to keep things in order.
Next was my first ambulance ride. Wow those things need better suspension. Thank you Kim for riding with me. Xrays at the hospital confirm 3 breaks so off to the next hospital we go. I needed an orthopedic surgeon to fix this mess! I ended up with a plate and 7 screws. Bad news is my radial nerve was damaged so now I have a limp wrist!!
What the heck is that? Well it's called a radial splint. The rubber bands hold up my wrist and allow me to use my fingers somewhat. I gets lots of crazy looks and have learned to not gawk at others!!!! The prognosis is TIME! A nerve regenerates 1mm a day and there are lots of millimeters from my break to my thumb! I'm getting good at onehanding the keyboard. Doing hair was never my forte and even harder with one hand.
There is a lesson to be learned --- I'm still working on that one!